Published on 4/13/2024
Rampart is a tower defense game that was developed for the arcades by Atari Games and later ported to various systems such as the SNES, Game Boy Color, and the Commodore 64. It is a precursor to the modern tower defense subgenre, where you construct defenses to ward off hordes of enemies from overtaking your towers. Here, your objective in single-player mode is to keep control of your towers by constructing walls around them and placing cannons in the areas you control to destroy enemy ships that rain down cannonfire on your territory. The level ends when either a certain number of ships have been destroyed or none of the towers can be surrounded by walls anymore, usually due to destroyed terrain.
In this run, Natetheman223 chooses to play the single-player mode at its highest difficulty, known for being nigh-unwinnable, and narrowly beats all of the levels in record time.

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